#PortfolioDay aka release the kraken

If you keep on waiting for the perfect time, then you'll never release. Probably a month ago, I was switching out profile images and banners, and I forgot uploading and changing pictures on FB basically announces to the world that you did it without you knowing.

If you keep waiting for the perfect time, then you'll never release...

Probably a month ago, I was switching out profile images and banners, and I forgot uploading and changing pictures on FB basically announces to the world that you did it without you knowing.

But for context, last year I commissioned a few artists to help make me an image for my soon™ to be launched portfolio. I came into revelation of how I wanted to present myself in my portfolio and what type of vibe I wanted for it. I ultimately landed upon the anime aesthetic and trying to stick to a minimal white/black theme. For those that know me, I've always been a big fan of pandas, and my license plate is named "Pandan" as a tribute to fusing the word panda with my name. I always loved animes when I was young and it was a great pastime but I never fully got to appreciate or dedicate myself to it. It's been years since I've actually watched a show (hope to change that this year)

The stories and different arcs that are told in just a single show kind of reflects how I've been treating my outlook of my own life and my journeys. Each new adventure is a new season. Every struggle and problem I face becomes a plot to solve.

Hope you enjoy the new portfolio, and the story within the episodes that I detailed for the world to see and learn from. I'll be using this initiative to get myself back on track with the blog and probably podcasts once I figure out truly what I want to do.

Editor's Note

I also wanted to see what it was like to be a client although I tried not to be a picky one and mainly let these artists do what they do best and lo and behold, the results were great. I definitely recommend them if you're looking for something similar, or heck just browse through twitter for a whole bunch of artists that are just trying to get their hustle on.

Dan is a designer, consultant, and an avid lifter based in Arizona. He currently works for a small private company doing product design and enjoys learning and sharing his experiences through blogging and podcasting.